The human senses are incredibly powerful and greatly affect thought, mood and many other brain functions and work together to help support our perception of our surroundings. Undoubtedly, one of the most powerful senses is the sense of smell.
   Have you ever thought of a favorite food, heard an old song or visited a familiar place and been instantly transported to a moment in time or a particular memory? The human affect thought, mood and many other brain functions.
The senses work together to help support our perception of our surroundings. Undoubtedly one of the most powerful senses is the sense of smell. The brain’s olfactory receptors, cells located in the back of the nasal cavity, are linked directly to the limbic system in the brain, which supports emotion and memory.
It’s no surprise given the power of our senses, that the benefits of aromatherapy are widely celebrated.
Essential oils and aromatherapy haven been utilized by many ancient cultures and were described in writing as early as the 1st century as a way to help people look and feel better. Each essential oil note offers different benefits depending on how the sense of smell and brain work together. Essential oil notes are often combined to create synergistic blends for maximum benefits.
